Recital Dates
June 3 & 4 at Unity Knight Center in Orange City, IA
Are you a backstage Mom/Dad?
There is a sign up in the office window at the studio! Make sure to help out and sign up for your childs class!
Recital Tickets!
Tickets will go on sale May 1. Please check back her later to download a ticket order form.
Recital T-Shirts
Our Recital T-Shirt designs are ready! Fill out the form that is attached to this link and drop your order & check off at the studio before April 30th!
Tights and Shoes for 2016 Recital
Click HERE to download our Recital Tights and Shoes List for recital
Click HERE to download our Recital Tights Order Form -- Print off and return with a check to the studio by March 20
Sioux Center Classes
***When a class calls for fishnet tights, please remember that tan tights need to be worn under them.
***Boys wear black socks and black shoes, unless otherwise stated.
Boy’s hip hop is listed below.